Just a quick, nice, feel-good story – the more kindness we can have right now, in these troubled times, the better. So hopefully this raises a smile or two.
Vital Villa member and all-round good egg, DeanoVilla’s kid, Buddy, is doing a challenge with his young Pershore Town FC team-mates. They have been challenged to walk the equivalent of Pershore to Wembley. Which is no mean feat, as they are only little ones (Buddy is 5!)
What has that to do with Villa? Well, if you show some patience, I’ll tell you!
I asked Ian Taylor if he would do them a quick good luck message, as Buddy is a big Villa fan (he came with is dad and me when he was only 2 1/2 and loved it, well, he loved kicking my seat and slapping my head at least!) and Ian, as the gentleman he is, obliged.
Tails you are an absolute legend, you’ve made my little lads day. Him and the rest of the mini-kickers at @PTFC88 have really embraced the challenge set by their coach Tim, clocking up way over 250 miles between them already. Your message will help them keep going! UTV!
— Dean Stanbury (@deanovillan) January 19, 2021
So kind of him.
Here is Buddy doing his bit to spread the beautiful claret and blue faith in Pershore!
@JackGrealish as part of @PTFC88's running challenge today's extra task was to run dressed as a sporting hero. My 5 year old Buddy chose you and had to use hair gel for the first time ever! 😂. Any chance of a message of encouragement for Buddy and the rest of the mini-kickers? https://t.co/TBu4Zs0mRu pic.twitter.com/4Yt8AWlvrs
— Dean Stanbury (@deanovillan) January 21, 2021
Typical of Ian Taylor that, always happy to represent out club first on the pitch, then off it. Quality!
Good luck to all the youngsters on their challenge, hope you are all enjoying it and getting the miles in!
You can follow me on twitter @FearConquers, my instagram @fearconquersall and my own blog site as well thefear.net Will wonders never cease (or in my case, ever start!) As well as Vital Villa
(I’m making a tentative return to writing, something I’ve done for 20 years now, following yet more brain ache issues and my 14th operation. I was close to hanging up the keyboard, but I’ll see how it goes. Hopefully this article is error free! Right now, the lights are on but no one is home so to speak!)
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