Bids And Bizarre Days At Villa

What a bizarre day. Earlier it was suggested – and I jumped on board (sorry!) – that the shares had been suspended, however shares are still very much trading, the last trade was at 16.29 with 193 shares being purchased at £5.10 DESPITE reports that a bid had officially been lodged for the full asking price.

Everyone is still waiting for news on the Randy Lerner bid.

Lets just hope we aren’t looking at another Aston Villa saga that is played out in the press to no one’s benefit.

The club have now released the following statement, which at least shows something is a-foot!

Aston Villa PLC Statement
The Board of Aston Villa PLC (the ‘Board’) can confirm that it has received a number of indicative offers which may or may not lead to a formal offer for the issued share capital of the Company.

The Board will be appraising these offers in due course and will update shareholders and supporters when appropriate.

So what is happening?

Anyone’s guess, lets just ‘enjoy’ the ride!

On the positive side, both current groups, (and there is talk of a third but lets not get into that, all much to confusing after years of waiting for just one!) have talked with the fan groups, do know that the fans have been isolated and both DO want to re-engage with the fans.

I had a conversation with Michael Neville earlier giving an undertaking that a fan representative would be considered and quite possibly on the board.

The Randy Lerner group are also very aware of the fans feelings and have also promised to address it.

At the moment the picture still isn’t that clear, as we don’t know who the backers are for Michael Neville, but with a bid in, all will have to become clear in the next few days, this can’t keep rumbling on.

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