Villa News

Fans Back Lee Hendrie

Image for Fans Back Lee Hendrie

O’Leary has stated that Hendrie is going nowhere this season and it seems the majority of fans will be pleased.

The 28 year old midfielder has been linked to both Southampton and Wolverhampton Wanderers in loan deals and Glenn Hoddle was recently quoted expressing his admiration for the player and suggested he might make a bid in January.

However O’Leary said: ‘Nobody’s asked me about him. How can I consider letting him out? If I let him go, who do I play? If Milner gets injured over Christmas, who do I play if Hendrie goes out on loan?’

And then ruins it in his usual de-motivating way: ‘I didn’t think Lee did anything fantastic last week (against Newcastle United). But I thought he did alright. To me the fantastic player on the day was Gareth Barry, followed by our back-four, particularly Olof Mellberg.’

We asked in our poll this week – following the quotes from the Wolves boss about Henders – if Villa should sell him.

Only 13% said that we should sell the often controverial midfielder, 25% said he was a good squad member and in a resounding thumbs up, 62% said we shouldn’t sell him as he is a good first team player.

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