I sadly said this around October 2019 (below). Nothing has really changed for me and I can’t say I’m seeing any positive improvement that makes me welcome the future under Dean Smith’s tenure.
Writer: Thomas Holte
Plenty will disagree with me but that’s football, a game full of different opinions.
Personally, I think we can do better than Dean Smith as I just don’t see him as a manager that can take us to another level. Don’t ask me to say who, as I’m not as clued up about availability as others on here, but we appear to have the right people at the club who should know.
At best, all I see is mid-table mediocrity under Smith so if you are happy with that then fair enough but I can’t see why we can’t get a high calibre, experienced manager in to take us to that next level? You don’t ask then you don’t get, however, the club and the squad need a shake-up and we need it now.
Chelsea started to drift under Lampard and the owner (and not for the first time) took decisive action and installed Thomas Tuchel. An immediate improvement in the mentality and desire of the players to show him how they can play and a deep desire to please a manager who demands 100% and makes sure they don’t leave anything on the pitch after the game ends.
Do you really see that from the players under Smith & Co? – I know I don’t as we or the manager never seem to know what Aston Villa are going to turn up and that is reflected by the inconsistency of giving 100% pressing down in one game and hardly bothering in the next.
Dean Smith apparently said recently a team mirrors the manager on the pitch well then Dean how come you can’t motivate them enough EVERY game only to result in whining about the players after games and deflecting criticism away from yourself?
If you are a Dean smith fan then Sorry if you don’t like what I have written but for me, right or wrong, that’s how I see it.
I promise I won’t keep on repeating my thoughts on DS from now on. You are probably as fed up with reading it as I am of writing it.
Vital Villa’s Dean Smith Forum Thread
Thomas Holte said:
I’ll put my neck on the line here and finally, say what I’ve been thinking for a while now.
As much as I like the guy and fellow Villa fan from a Great Barr Villa family I just don’t think Dean has got what it takes at this level and for me anyway, it’s only a question of time before he is politely asked to step aside.
Apart from the wrong tactics both home and away I’ve grown tired of hearing him say the same thing after every defeat that he knows what’s wrong and he will ensure it changes. The problem is the very same problems and mistakes appear in the next game and at this level, you will get punished and so it has been,
I don’t feel any better for saying the above but it’s my head talking and not my heart.
I sincerely hope he proves me wrong and I won’t in the least be happy if I’m correct.
There, I’ve said it now so criticise if you want as I fully understand people defending Dean with the hope he can turn it around.
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