Lerner – Humble, Honest And Welcome!

Randy Lerner was interviewed on Midlands Today last night. He admitted that he had been looking at Villa for some time:

‘Villa was a club I had already thought about for a long time as I became more familiar with the Premier League over the last three or four years. I just became more and more focused, the people I was working with in London had advised. I continue to stay focused and that it may be available, Mr Ellis may be of a mind to sell it and it kind of built on itself.’

Admitting: ‘It wasn’t a lifelong thing. It would be dishonest and disingenuous for me to suggest it was. It seemed like an opportunity to make a little bit of a difference.’

He also backed the manager saying: ‘I think Martin O’Neill is great. I think he’s got the record, the history and the makings for a steady long-term commitment to Villa. That’s the plan.”

Honest, humble and in my opinion, very welcome, lets get that 4.5% back and start rocking n’ rolling eh?!?!

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