Villa News

Nationalism Might Force Bannan Out Of Olympics

Image for Nationalism Might Force Bannan Out Of Olympics

Stephen Mcgowan at The Daily Mail has a few quotes from Barry Bannan who is seeking advice from his Scotland manager before committing to the Team GB Olympic team.

Am I allowed to say Team GB without paying millions for corporate advertising?! Who knows, anyway, we`ll take the risk amidst all the horrible selling the spirit of the Olympics trademarking and selling out of…

Where was I?

Oh yes, Bannan.

“I`m fiercely proud to be Scottish and want to play for Scotland. I always wanted to play for my country and I still get goosebumps thinking about our game last year against Lithuania when I got a huge ovation from the Tartan Army after I was substituted late in the game. The last thing I want to happen is for the supporters to turn against me and for me to do something that would damage Scotland.”

Bannan explains that when he was first approached and asked if he would like to be considered he didn`t know the reaction back in Scotland.

FFS… what is with all this nationalism people?! Get a grip!

“Down south, there is no real hype about it, no big debate about the GB Olympic football team. My family are with me in England, so it`s not as if I was getting feedback from folk back home about the Olympic situation and how it might affect Scotland somewhere down the road.”

He also says he didn`t expect to make the list but now he has, he is aware it is causing some debate in Scotland.

The Villa midfielder says he is “100-per-cent Scottish — in fact, I couldn`t be more patriotic.”

‘It is better if I hear everyone`s thoughts and make up my own mind before a final squad is announced for the Olympics. I think that is only fair to everyone involved.`

Balls to it, just strike him off the list. There you go, job done.

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