Villa News

Our Holteenders In The Sky

Image for Our Holteenders In The Sky

This doesn’t take many words really, but I thought it was only apt to put the video that Aston Villa have produced, into an article for those of us who weren’t fortunate enough to be at the final game of the season and therefore, couldn’t pay our respects to the sadly departed, forever Holteenders In The Sky.

Far too many as usual, and certainly far too many taken too young.

Special respects from me to a lovely man, namely, Bob Moore, who was sadly taken by this damn virus, Covid.  A lovely, generous man who always put others before himself.  A true claret and blue gentleman.

You can follow me on twitter @FearConquers, my instagram @fearconquersall and my own blog site as well Will wonders never cease (or in my case, ever start!) As well as Vital Villa

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