Tackling Online Hate Crime – Supporting West Midlands Police
Aston Villa are working hard to work closely with the West Midlands Police to stamp out hate crimes. They communicated with the members of the FCG group:
Happy New Year and I hope you’re doing well in these very difficult times. You may have noticed our recent commitment to rooting out hate crime, through our equality initiative All In, and be aware of our ongoing relationship with West Midlands Police – Club committed to rooting out hate crime | AVFC
We work closely with the Force Football Unit who do great work across all our Midlands Club’s and I would like to let you know of a new appointment, PC Stuart Ward (Hate Crime Investigator).
PC Ward was featured in the media this weekend: WMP appoints UK’s first football hate crime officer | News | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)
Please be aware that a hate crime is classed as follows:
Hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards a person based on their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or gender identity
We will continue to promote the general process for all fans, which is calling WM Police through 101 and quoting ‘Operation Valdivian’ – Aston Villa support the work of West Midlands Police in their efforts to tackle online hate | AVFC
We also always recommend reporting any discriminatory content to the social media platform provider.
Details of how the West Midlands Police are trying to crack down on hate crime:
What we need from you
If possible take a screen shot of the post/message in question either using your phone or computer. Please try and capture within the picture/s the time and date the item was posted, the name of the user/profile and any news feed below (This will prove to the court how fellow users have reacted to the post/message).
Please do not begin your own investigation into the origins of the sender by accessing their accounts as this may hinder the prosecution
There are a number of ways you can report incident of this nature:
Call Police on 101 – Quote “Operation Valdivian”.
Police will require you to provide a statement and produce stills of the messages whether hard copy or digital in order to prosecute the offender at court.
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You can follow me on twitter @FearConquers, my instagram @fearconquersall and my own blog site as well thefear.net Will wonders never cease (or in my case, ever start!) As well as Vital Villa
(I’m making a tentative return to writing, something I’ve done for 20 years now, following yet more brain ache issues and my 14th operation. I was close to hanging up the keyboard, but I’ll see how it goes. Hopefully this article is error free! Right now, the lights are on but no one is home so to speak!)