Villa News

The Villa Times – 09/12/2005

Image for The Villa Times – 09/12/2005

Good news on the injury front. Kevin Phillips, who earlier in the week was thought to be struggling for the weekend’s away game against Bolton, should be fit.

Mark Delaney is also back in full training following his latest injury set back. Delaney has suffered from knee and groin problems all season which has limited his appearances for the Villans, but he has been pencilled in for the reserve game against West Bromwich (at the Hawthorns) next Monday.

Fulham’s giant defender (6’5′) Zat Knight has again been linked to Villa.

Dean Ashton is also being linked to a January transfer window transfer to Villa from Norwich. One report suggests this will spell the end for Juan Pablo Angel.

Our current poll is asking if Lee Hendrie should be sold amidst reports that Glenn Hoddle is eyeing the 28 year old midfielder for Wolves. The current votes have only 13% saying he should be sold, 62% that he is a good team player and the remainder that he is a good squad member. Thumbs up for Henders then!

Aston Villa defender Martin Laursen says he is on schedule as he fights to recover from his career threatening injury. He is currently undergoing a recuperation program in Bologna. His recovery could take up to a year.

Gareth Barry is talking with team mates before deciding whether to carry on taking penalties after last weekends miss against Newcastle. The player was slated by some fans for coming off the pitch laughing. They must have missed his man of the match efforts I guess!? He said; ‘I was confident enough to take the penalty. I wasn’t thinking about missing it although I didn’t realise how late in the game it was. If I’d have put it away that would have been game over. I’m very disappointed. It’s a sickener. I’ve apologised to the lads.’

O’Leary is considering resting Steven Davis for this weekends game against Bolton to avoid the 20 year old midfielder burning out. Hendrie and Bakke are in contention.

Rumours in Ireland are suggesting the takeover of Aston Villa is a ‘done deal’. I think we’ll wait until the ink is dry on the contract before celebrating?

Villa youth won 2-1 against QPR in the FA Youth Cup putting them through to the fourth round. Tobias Mikaelsson and Adam McGurk scored.

Thought for the day: Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two!

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