Villa In The Death-Throes?

A novel solution to the current problems at Villa including nuclear testing!

By Steve Wade

Viewing the highlights of Villa being toyed with by a team not even bothering to break sweat, it seemed evident that I was witnessing a club in it’s death-throes. If the club cannot afford to buy a single player to improve this shambles of a team, then it has to be faced – the club has no future except a permanent slow painful decline into oblivion.

So in the name of mercy and the reputation of a once great club, the whole thing should be given a decent burial, to allow those who loved Aston Villa and all it stood for, to mourn its passing, celebrate its glorious history and enjoy their memories, while it is still possible to do so with even a trace of dignity.

Aston Villa should be withdrawn from the Premiership and the ground razed to the ground. The playing staff should be released from their contracts and given the opportunity to pursue careers more appropriate to their talents.

If the Iranians or North Koreans need an ideal site for testing their nuclear capability, I suggest that Villa Park would be an ideal target. The sight of this fiasco being vaporised in a nuclear cloud would be a fitting
end to what was the birthplace of McGregor’s dream of a football league and would be far less painful than the end the present incumbents have in mind.

There is just no future for Villa now and a mercy killing is the only humane solution left.

History and past success is but a hurtful taunt for Villa fans and will inevitably get worse during their permanent exile in the lower divisions, which awaits the club. Each subsequent generation is set to rediscover that torment over and over again, as at every anniversary, a crumbly Villa veteran will be wheeled out and in the piping notes of a centenarian, each new generation will be reminded how Villa were once only a few refereeing decisions away from beating Man United to the Premiership title and the kids will not believe it.

So if Villa must end up as a shabby minnow in the lower leagues, lets not p*ss about, lets do it with style. Let the bombs start falling and lets start with a new club with a brand new name, which has no association with
that name which will forever stand proud in the history books.

Yet each man kills the thing he loves
By each let this be heard
The coward does it with a kiss
The brave man with a sword


Hopefully you will all see this provocative piece is a measure of feeling and not a serious plan of action!

The feeling certainly seems to be better to burn out than fade away!

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