Villa Players Once Again Shame This Great Club & Fans

Superb game, great to see so many players fighting for the cause and realising that not only do the fans need repaying for their total and utter faith but also Graham Taylor needed to be truly honoured.

What really delighted me throughout the match was how on fire Gabby Agbonlahor and Ross McCormack were, they`ve developed such a great understanding, who`d have thought Gabby would have turned up at the start of this season so fit and so fired up? Both players shot on sight throughout the game and blimey have we missed that sort of attitude over the last few seasons.

As for our midfield? One for all and all for one is the best way to describe how they fought against a Wolves team who were just devoid of any answer to our domination.

The defence? Hardly troubled because of how we defended from the front really were they? But when they were called on, they did not falter.

No. I`ve not been on the players favourite balloons and pipes. The above is genuinely how I SHOULD be writing about the local derby v Wolves yesterday.

Sadly, as you all know, with not one shot on target I can`t.

The level of disappointment and anger amongst fans after this game is justified (not the abuse that some think they need to stink out facebook and twitter aimed at staff though).

The fans once again did not disappoint at the Molineux. The players once again did disappoint.

I could go into full on detail mode now, but you saw it, they don`t deserve my time or yours for yet another shambolic performance. I can`t say that the effort wasn`t there for many of them, players like Hutton always give 100%. It is just, sadly, his 100% isn`t good enough.

90 minutes and we don`t manage a single shot on target? Sorry, that`s ridiculous. Wolves have a defence that panic at the first sign of pressure, we didn`t give them any sign of pressure though. Why?

I don`t have the answers. Well, I do, sell half of this shambles and throw as many funds as you can at Bruce to correct this. And for Bruce to stop being so stubborn and admit Gabby Agbonlahor is not a striker. On the showings yesterday and that woeful miss, I`m starting to wonder if Ross McCormack really is as well. That pass from the so-so (awful at times in defence) Amavi was perfect for Ross to just guide in. Nope, over the bar it went and that was THE chance for us.

I could go on, I could do a full and angry match report. I really don`t have the heart or desire to.

What I will say to each and every of our players yesterday though.

You let us down. AGAIN. Big signings, big wages, no delivery, no professionalism and no heart or desire.

We`ve seen it over and over again. It is within all of you to correct this, you shouldn`t need a manager, a coach or even a fan to tell you this. The least you can do is the basics. You can pass a ball can`t you? You can control a ball can`t you? You can bring a ball down and pass then? If so, you can pass to a player in a good position? And that player, you can surely kick the ball on target?

If so. DO IT. If not, as Steve Austin says in Broken Skull Challenge, I`ll see you down the road….

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