Villa News

*Villa Star Studded Christmas Party*

Image for *Villa Star Studded Christmas Party*

As we advertised last week, the Lions & Legends are holding a Christmas Party at Aston Wood Golf Club, Blake Street, Little Aston on 28th December 2012.

You can see the poster below for full details.

The Lions & Legends invite you to come and celebrate the greatest night in the clubs history at their 30th anniversary Christmas party. Ken McNaught says ‘Come and join us for a great night celebrating our European cup success and the official launch of our exciting new association’

What is of major interest is the list of former players they have hopefully attending.

All the players from the 82′ cup winning squad have been invited.

Those slated to attend so far, (obviously no guarantees can be given but we will update as we approach the event)

Jimmy Rimmer
Nigel Spink
Ken McNaught
Allan Evans
Pat Heard
Kenny Swain
Colin Gibson
Gordon Cowans
Des Bremner
Dennis Mortimer
Tony Morley
Gary Shaw
Peter Withe

Not bad for starters then?

Plus the following:

Steve Staunton
Lee Hendrie
Ian Taylor
Steve Froggatt

They are also trying to get along some of our former managers, but I`ll not name names until they are confirmed. No, it won`t include last seasons manager!

Not one to miss this is it? Any Vital Villa people interested, email me and I`ll see about getting us all a table together. (Or obviously you can book direct if you wish)

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