We’re Only Fans, Aston Villa Owe Us No Answers Sadly But It Shouldn’t Stop Us Asking For Them

A new week, a new set of utterly shambolic press report nonsense coming out of Aston Villa – I must say on top of absolutely superb silence from the club itself – and I’m starting to truly get what a Birmingham City fan has felt like given their run of owners and Board members.

Every passing day seems to deliver new fall out from a seeming inability to forward plan as we rat raced to the bottom to solve cash flow problems and hung everything on the silver bullet of promotion back to the Premier League in 2017/18.

A Winding Up Order, CEO suspension and potential constructive dismissal case and everything else we’ve had over the last few weeks has left us all a little tired, angry and giving both barrels in whatever direction we felt they might land.

This is why I admire our Yorkshire Lions folks for a tweet yesterday.


I agree with everything asked and we could all add questions of our own. The last few weeks have left us with nothing but questions as answers seem as hard to come by as cash flow reportedly has!

Unfortunately, it was difficult enough to get proper answers out of Aston Villa PLC when we were shareholders. I’m sure Yorkshire Lions know they are ‘teaing’ in the air as I’d bet my left testicle (I named him Bob a few years back if anyone is interested) that no real answers will be forthcoming from the club.

Rather than an answer, maybe we’ll get a stupid emoji code that’ll excite some fans because social media for them is the new Garlic Bread? They’ll discover the real world soon enough…I hope…for their sake, not necessarily mine.

But we’re not going to get an answer, Aston Villa doesn’t do genuine on social media, it does ‘play to the kids’ and ‘tell people what they want to hear’ whilst saying the square route of an intelligent Robbie Savage comment.

We all know that don’t we. Don’t we?

Thing is though folks, the more we ask the questions we know we won’t get an answer to, the sooner the media will stop repeating identical content under a new headline and actually look at the real issues and remember what their job is supposed to be – even in this difficult online landscape with bills to pay.

The more those questions filter around, the less a ‘woe is me’ tweet has any effect, and the quicker people end up in a corner whereby they either act or scarper for our interests not their perceived ego.

The last accounts gave a clue, the next accounts should make even more required reading for those with an interest – prove me wrong, give proper answers ahead of that…I won’t hold my breath.

Thankfully twitter is not the be all and end all for some and they appreciate a change of ‘eggs in one basket’ is needed.

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