The club are very aware that it has been extremely difficult to communicate on season tickets at the moment, as everything Covid wise is still up in the air, BUT they do want to communicate something soon. This came up at the last Fan Consultation Group, so I thought I would open it up to you, please feel free to add any feedback/questions you have to the thread in the 100% Vital Villa forum thread.
The one thing they need, is to know what sort of feedback is wanted at this stage from us, the fans.
The early bird window has been (for obvious reasons) missed already. But, is there anything you want them to give you the information on?
Obviously, a major thing will be pricing, are they going to hike the price, if so, what sort of % are we looking at?
Are existing season ticket cards still valid, or are new ones coming out?
Anything else?
This is ALL assuming we are allowed back, that is out of their/our hands at the moment. So they are going to have to push on at some stage, if not, it could be a ridiculously mad scramble to get people sorted if the green light is given to a total return.
The feedback from the last FCG on the Chelsea game btw, was:
We are still waiting for confirmation that fans will be allowed to return for our last home match of the season, albeit with a maximum capacity of 10k fans. Lynne O’Reardon reminded the group of the following:
Invitation to apply will be given to 19/20 season ticket holders. If oversubscribed a ballot will apply. Fans can put their name in the hat and must apply with those they wish to sit next to. If successful in the ballot you would be contacted with a window of opportunity to purchase. Photos must be uploaded to your FAN ID for us to comply with COVID protocols (10k have done so to date). Fans will not be allocated their season ticket seats and all tickets will be Print at Home. Gift vouchers can be used to purchase tickets.
We are ready to announce details once we have the go ahead.
I believe this will be a ballot of all season ticket holders.
And on season tickets:
Season 2021 / 2022
We continue to look at all the variables in relation to season 2021/2022.
One fan rep asked if vaccine passports were being considered?
This may become a mandatory requirement (stipulated by Government) so something we would need to be prepared for.
Whilst there are simply too many variables at present to start selling season tickets, we are conscious of communicating answers to some of the questions 19/20 season ticket holders may have in relation to 21/22. It is our intention to ensure that 19/20 seats are reserved and that season ticket holders will be given the option to renew. Smart cards are being replaced and a payment option will be available. The season ticket buyback option will continue to exist.
FCG fan reps were invited to contact us with any questions they feel fans may need answering as we aim to communicate with all season ticket holders later this month as best we can.
21st June is a key date as the government may provide more clarity for 2021/2022.
Fan reps then asked the following questions:
Can we renew season tickets even if ballots will be required?
Too soon for us to answer but certainly a possibility. We may be forced to go down this route and would clearly factor in pro-rata refunds if needed.
How will the club manage the waiting list?
Albeit in a smaller space of time, we will look to set a renewal date, and then give those that have renewed opportunity to relocate to better seats as we do each year. We would then make offers to the waiting list in a controlled fashion dependent on time. Given we may not be able to confirm season ticket sales until as late as June, these windows of opportunity may only be a few days.
We have received concerns from the Irish Lions that they may not be able to travel out of Ireland until 2022, and the effect this would have on their renewing their season tickets. There is a suggestion that the season ticket re-sale scheme is not open to those from abroad?
The re-sale scheme should be open to all.