What makes being a football fan so special? “It’s the ‘everything’.”
Football is everything to fans. Its community, a sense of belonging. Something capable of evoking every emotion you knew you could feel and the ones you didn’t. It’s the ecstasy of winning and the agony of losing.
The players you love and the ones you tolerate. The friends you’ve made and the rivalries you’ve forged. The cheap drinks and the overpriced tickets. The memories told a thousand times over and the ones you wish you could forget.
Over the past 18 months, we’ve all realised just how unimportantly important football is. And it’s back.
Welcome home, football fans ⚽️
I did an interview last week with Rocket, who used to be on Soccer AM, for givemesport/snack media, on the return for fans, to football.
I think this does embed it, on the twitter…
Did an interview with Rocket, who used to be on Soccer AM, last week, for @GMS__Football . First time I've been to VP for 16 months.
On the return to football for fans..https://t.co/ZSLNLavfsx
Unfortunately can't embed but the video should be there from the link.
— Vital Villa (@VitalVilla) August 19, 2021
Or you can click the link below and you’ll see the video on LinkedIn
VIDEO HERE: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/snack-media_return-of-football-activity-6832008887051292672-uYov/
It was a nice challenge for me, to get there, do the interview and hopefully represent properly, as brain ache issues have been to the fore of late, one of those ‘Get up, Get out, Live‘ moments for me! Hope you enjoy the video, I certainly enjoyed seeing the beautiful Villa Park again.
You can follow me on twitter @FearConquers, my instagram @fearconquersall and my own blog site as well thefear.net Will wonders never cease (or in my case, ever start!) As well as Vital Villa