Graham Taylor Speaks For One And All

Graham Taylor has summed up the situation at Villa well telling Sky Sports News: ”I’m very worried about Villa ever being again a dominant Premiership club, because the only way they are going to do it is to have a change at the very top.’

Adding: ”Doug won’t like me saying this, but Doug you’ve stayed there too long and you’ve brought this all on yourself. ‘You haven’t planned for your successor, you haven’t realised life goes on and there’s some people coming up to take your place.”

Spot on, Doug could have handed the reigns over 10 years ago, but instead he has continually blundered through insisting Villa are on the right path, he is the best for the job and that he still plays tennis! 😉

Taylor also points out that it can’t all be down to the managers and players and that there is one common factor:

”Is it every managers’ fault? Are we all bad? ‘Is it all the players’ fault, are they all bad? It’s a running of the club that matters and eventually what happens is that the running doesn’t have confidence and positivity, and it seeps into the club. ‘You can go to Villa now and see it and just feel it in your bones. It isn’t right, it doesn’t smell right.’

And this sums up surely how we all feel?

”What’s going to happen I haven’t got a clue but something needs to happen and something good needs to happen.”

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