It’s Not Good To Talk

Well after yesterday’s revelations that David Bentley was in talks with Villa, according to reports late last night the club and his agent have denied these discussions?

Spurs flop Bentley was quoted yesterday in various newspapers as saying:

“I`m in talks with Villa at the moment. I really don`t want to say much more. But we`ll see what happens.

“I`m hopeful of sorting it out as soon as possible.”

To make the quotes even more juicy a ‘source’, (good old tomato again) said the deal would be wrapped up by July 1st.

Now here is where it gets complicated, Bentley is currently away in Spain where he apparently owns a ‘trendy bar,’ – why do footballers never own crap bars? – and the rumours suggest a £7 million deal has been agreed with Spurs, and we have been in discussions with the player’s agent for a fortnight.

However late last night, and continuing the vain today there are loads of articles, without sources or even direct quotes that suggest ‘somebody’ near the agent and Villa have denied that any discussions have ever taken place.

It’s not a leap of faith for a bored journalist to link us up to Bentley again this summer, given we were in for him when he left Blackburn last summer, but even for the national tabloids attributing direct quotes like that to Bentley would be a leap – even for them.

So, given we have no direct quotes from anybody denying the talks, could it be the agent attempting to start a bidding war? Could Villa just be playing it safe? Could it even be a comical employee just trying to keep everyone guessing or is it more bored journalists filling space?

Kind of like whot I’m doing here 🙂

We’ll soon know I suspect, I’d expect more direct quotes later today when everybody is properly awake and have had their morning coffee’s.

Failing that did Bentley mean Villareal or another club with the word Villa in it? Had he been spending too much time at the bar?

If I owned a bar, I would!

And in other news – well there isn’t any so far today, not even more fluffy stories about Michael Owen so I don’t know what to do now.

Think I’ll see what people have said in the David Bentley Thread

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