Neville On Radio WM Tomorrow?

Could the resolution of the long and drawn out takeover saga for Aston Villa be nearing an end?

Rumours on the Villa boards are suggesting that’Solihul born, life long Villa fan’ (well, that is the title the papers all give the gentleman!) Michael Neville will be a guest on the Radio WM show at 07.00 in the morning.

Now it could be a pure coincidence, but that is also the time that announcements are made by the Stock Exchange.

Hopefully, one way or the other, the takeover attempt by Aston Villa Investment Limited (AVIL) fronted by Michael Neville and backed by the Comer brothers will be concluded. Even more hopefully, the rumours are at least true that he is going to be a guest on the show and explain exactly what is happening.

At present I can see no details on their own website.

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