To Boo Or Applaud Barry Poll Results

Vital Villa asked in our last poll, suggested by deano.avfc:

Aston Villa v Man City 2010….will you.. applaud/boo/ignore/throw fake money at Barry.

46% voted applaud.

27% will print fake money and throw up in the air like confetti!

That left 15% who would boo Barry on every touch and 4% who would boo Barry at the start and end.

8% will just ignore him.

I’ll applaud him unless I am eating my pie, then I’m sorry but all my attention goes to the steak and kidney, hopefully Gaz Baz will understand. :o)

Our latest poll asks how much you would sell Young for if at all. Unfortunately I think some Spuds are voting £15m for a laugh so I might remove the poll !

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