Yorke Is Our Best Foreign Signing

Vital Villa asked, following a suggestion from message board member Fatloser, who is our best foreign signing (not including the Rep. Of Ireland, as obviously Paul McGrath would have wiped the board clean!).

Former Holte End hero Dwight Yorke won by a landslide with 70% of the votes. Seems, despite the acrimonous way he left, his footballing abilites and the fact he cost us nothing and raised significant funds with his sale, haven’t been forgotten.

8% said Juan Pablo Angel, 7% went for Mark Bosnich and Milan Boros with 6% to Nielsen and only 2% to the badge kissing Alpay.

I might repeat the poll at a later date and add Olof Mellberg and Thomas Sorenson at the cost of Alpay and Nielsen.

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