It really is amazing to me how so many people make a case that our manager, Dean Smith, isn’t good enough for Aston Villa by producing “what if” statistics.
Writer: gmvillan
“If we didn’t have Grealish”
“If we didn’t have Martinez”
“If the season started in January”
It’s one thing to debate reality, performance, tactics etc but when the justification for an argument is that we wouldn’t be where we are without a bunch of factors that are impossible to measure (because they didn’t happen) then I can’t see the point in a debate.
So what if Jack Grealish has helped us to 15 points? Enjoy it!
Vital Villa’s Dean Smith Forum Thread
But using it as a justification for the manager not being good enough…Ludicrous.
Alex Ferguson once said that Peter Schmeichel was worth five wins a season, and Brian Clough broke the transfer record to get Peter Shilton for the same reasons…Does that make them bad managers because they “relied on one player for 15 points a season.”
Grealish wasn’t as effective under Steve Bruce or Roberto Di Matteo. He was basically ignored by Paul Lambert, and Tim Sherwood loved him, yet couldn’t get him to be consistent.
Jack Grealish is an exceptional player, but he’s not the sole reason we are where we are. Use that as an argument and you can say he was also solely responsible for us finishing where we did last year, which wouldn’t be true given the performances of others in the team.
Every good team has good players, some are even exceptional. Take good players out of a good team and guess what…the team isn’t as good. It doesn’t mean the manager is to blame.
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Nonsense, We've Levelled Out Nothing More - 100% His Job
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